Monday, October 29, 2012

Scatter Plot

This assignment gave me an opportunity to work with numbers in Excel. My state, Virginia, ranks 45th. There are forty four states below us, and  five states ahead of us. We are above average.

I realized that I can use descriptive statistics in my class to calculate average and standard deviation for various student scores. I can determine performance levels for each student in my class and design person centered  instruction.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Google Site

My experience with Google has been through email and web browsing. I had not considered having a website hosted by Google. My Google site I created for this class has helped me understand how much I can get from Google for free as far as web site construction is concerned. I have my professional website that I built with with The experience of using tools provided by Google some how proved easier than what I previously thought. Choosing a template was easier as there were many that I could choose.

I intend to build my Google site for my class and use it for:
  • Student home work
  • Parent teacher communication
  • Calendars
  • Class announcements
  • Student games.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Prezi Lesson

Prezi is  cool tool that allows power point, still images, you tube videos to be integrated in one presentation. The zoom function enables a personal experience to reading a presentation. This in a way separate prezi from regular PowerPoint. As part of my assignment, I prepared a lesson on African masks. When I was preparing my presentation, I found it a little overwhelming to master all the functions provided by Prezi for an excellent presentation. My lesson image is shown below.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rubrics: Making egg shakers

Check out the rubrics I created for making egg shakers. Click here for rubrics. My excel spread sheet can be accessed here.

General Knowledge Quiz

Google forms can be used to created self grading quiz. Here is an example of a General Knowledge Quiz that I created. The spreadsheet is also available. This tool is very useful in any grade level although we have to keep in mind that students learn differently and that no learning tool is the last thing to enhance learning.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Google Forms

Today I have been so excited to create a Google Survey and a Spreadsheet to get valuable information about my upcoming concert. I am going to email my form to parents of my students, friends and other contacts to get an insight as to how best I can plan my concert.

I noted that I had to be signed into my gmail account to be able to create a survey. When I signed in, I needed to upgrade my Google drive to access more Google apps. This is different from other sites like surveymonkey where you can sign up for a free account to create a survey with out necessarily being in your email account.

The coolest thing with a Google form was that I got my results instantly in a spreadsheet! The forms can be viewed in HTML form. They can also be downloaded as word documents. I completed one of the forms that I emailed to myself. This is a great tool. I am planning to use this tool in my future research studies.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prezi Lesson

Prezi is  cool tool that allows power point, still images, you tube videos to be integrated in one presentation. The zoom function enables a personal experience to reading a presentation. This in a way separate prezi from regular PowerPoint. As part of my assignment, I prepared a lesson on African masks. When I was preparing my presentation, I found it a little overwhelming to master all the functions provided by Prezi for an excellent presentation. My lesson image is shown below.

My presentation relates ISTE NETS T standards in that students employ higher-order thinking skills and creativity to figure out various meanings of symbols on African masks. This topic also fosters creativity and art skills.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Photostory Lesson: How to repair and tune a Mbira

I have created a lesson on repairing and tuning a Mbira. Some ethnomusicologists refer to it as a Thump Piano.Mbira is an African instrument much common in Zimbabwe. This instrument is good to teach in World music lessons. Its is fairly cheap, portable and easy to learn.