Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Prezi Lesson

Prezi is  cool tool that allows power point, still images, you tube videos to be integrated in one presentation. The zoom function enables a personal experience to reading a presentation. This in a way separate prezi from regular PowerPoint. As part of my assignment, I prepared a lesson on African masks. When I was preparing my presentation, I found it a little overwhelming to master all the functions provided by Prezi for an excellent presentation. My lesson image is shown below.

My presentation relates ISTE NETS T standards in that students employ higher-order thinking skills and creativity to figure out various meanings of symbols on African masks. This topic also fosters creativity and art skills.


  1. Prezi not found!
    Link dosen't work to direct me to Prezi. Please correct. Thanks.

    1. Prezi has been re-posted with a working link.
